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Data Privacy

We will treat your personal data as confidential and will comply with all applicable General Data Protection Regulations in respect of this. You can view our full privacy policy here: in new tab

By submitting an application to Vision Express you agree that any data you have provided can be used to process any future applications. This may include data obtained from interviews, selection centres and employer references.

Submitting an application also means we may contact you about appropriate career opportunities – via email, post, text and/or phone calls.

We take the data privacy of our job applicants seriously. For all applications the personal data you provide will be retained for no longer than three years. We will hold this data securely, limit access to it, only process your data for job opportunities, and only share your data with other parties for recruitment purposes. You may request us to stop contacting you or to remove your data from our systems, simply email us at and tell us what you would like us to do with your data. Please be aware however that we use jobs boards and social media to identify candidates, and may contact you in the future even after we have removed your data.

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